Steps to Improve the Quality of Education

The quality of the human resources does determine the destiny of any nation. There are many nations in the world, which have been spending huge amounts from their budgets to enhance the quality of education at all the levels. One of the developed nations, Japan is an example. It does not possess most of the required natural resources such as minerals, but the high quality working population could transform Japan into a developed economy. There are five major factors which can enhance the quality of education such as: 1. Inspiring teachers, 2. Quality infrastructure, 3. Extra-curricular activities, 4. Seminars and workshops, 5. Best assessment methods. Many teachers do participate in the designing of curriculum. Hence, they need to have exceptional skills in making the best curriculum. The four major steps in making a good and desired curriculum are: objectives, content, learning activities, and evaluation. If the educational institutes select some of the best teacher...