
Showing posts from March, 2014

ODE Practice Test to Get Ready for the Ohio Achievement Assessment

In Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) oversees and monitors charter schools, public school districts, educational and regional educational providers, early learning and child care programs, joint vocational school districts, and private schools. The Education department is also responsible for developing the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) to evaluate the knowledge and proficiency of the Grade 3 through 8 students in Maths, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Writing at the end of each grade for promotion to the next grade. The development of the Achievement Assessment Test (AAT)) also meets the Ohio's Academic Content Standard requirement, a necessity of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). The Act requires all states to establish the minimum academic standards for evaluating the maths and reading knowledge of the grade 3 - 8 students. The Ohio Department of Education has also developed ODE Practice Tests with the actual OAA test questio...

Dealer or Beggar?

The question in the title sounds a little absurd at a glance. Back in the days, beggars would attract lots of sympathy as they used to be very genuine in their situations. This is however something that has changed with the passage of time. As needs surpass the available money and resources, many people have taken to begging but also use this as a means to cover up their main activity of selling (often illegal substances). They pose as helpless homeless beggars. This is not to say that there are no genuine homeless people in great need. Unfortunately there are and the genuine homeless needy beggars still do exist. However, it has just become very hard to distinguish between the genuine and the fake beggars. The fakers have come to ruin the day for the genuine beggars since people have refrained from giving their money to them. The Fake Beggars Most of them just want to have an easy life without working for it. They will choose a specific begging spot or move from pla...

Reasons to Teach English in Costa Rica

Are you a fan of the volunteer projects that allow you to serve different communities and enjoy a totally new culture, whilst making a good deed in the same time? Do you like to give a helping hand to all of the persons who need your assistance now more than ever? If you would enjoy working with little children as well as with adults, then here is the perfect opportunity for you: being a volunteer teacher and helping others learn English in Costa Rica. One of the main reasons that push people to teach English in Costa Rica is the fact that they can make a tremendous impact on the future of all the persons there who are extremely eager to broaden their horizons and grasp the basic concepts behind the world's most important international language. There are many volunteering possibilities in this gorgeous country and they include everything from teaching foreign languages to being a part of the Costa Rica dog rescue teams. The official language in Costa Rica is Spa...