ODE Practice Test to Get Ready for the Ohio Achievement Assessment

In Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) oversees and monitors charter schools, public school districts, educational and regional educational providers, early learning and child care programs, joint vocational school districts, and private schools. The Education department is also responsible for developing the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) to evaluate the knowledge and proficiency of the Grade 3 through 8 students in Maths, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Writing at the end of each grade for promotion to the next grade. The development of the Achievement Assessment Test (AAT)) also meets the Ohio's Academic Content Standard requirement, a necessity of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). The Act requires all states to establish the minimum academic standards for evaluating the maths and reading knowledge of the grade 3 - 8 students. The Ohio Department of Education has also developed ODE Practice Tests with the actual OAA test questio...