
Showing posts from February, 2014

Medical Assistant Schools: How to Choose the Best?

If you search for "medical assistant schools" you discover hundreds of pages. The number of various reviews available out there is scary! Unfortunately problem is that different programs provide different material on their sites therefore it really is hard to evaluate and compare the options. I have a tip for you on how to handle this issue effectively! My main advice: Medical assistant schools should work for your money. First of all, you should never waste time trying to research all possible details about available programs on your own. Simply dedicate 1-2 minutes to submit your contact info through the web forms on the sites of the schools you like the most to request information. You should post your REAL cell phone number and an email! Normally, the next business day a sales agent of a school will get in touch with you. When you receive a call be prepared that it will most likely last 20 to 40 minutes. Plan ahead! It is better to free up couple days of your w...

It Is Never Too Late for a High School Diploma or GED

As teenagers, students fail to earn high school diplomas for a number of reasons. Often, students fall short of required performance levels or have too many absences due to extenuating circumstances. Others cite behavioral or emotional conflicts, and English-as-second language students may face language barriers. Whatever the reason, failure to obtain a high school diploma at the age of eighteen does not need to forever prohibit educational pursuits or long-term career goals. General Education Development and online diploma opportunities create a viable pathway for adult students to achieve a high school education or equivalent. A popular alternative, the General Education Development program, better known as the GED, is a standardized test equivalent to a high school diploma. The program first emerged after World War II, in order to provide educational opportunities for returning soldiers that previously dropped out of school to join the armed services. Today, this s...

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go! Preparing for Success on Sports Day

For many school kids, Sports Day is one of the highlights of the Summer Term. Few children can resist the appeal of deserting the classroom for the day, and it provides a great opportunity to head outside for some light-hearted competition and release some serious energy! Champion Planning for Sports Day If you're involved in preparing for Sports Day, you'll no doubt know how important it is to get it right, to make sure that it lives up to its reputation as one of the most entertaining days of the year. You'll want to make sure that you've got everything in place, from a list of games, to the sports equipment required for each challenge, not forgetting of course, the Sports Day Awards and Certificates; and, as with any whole school event, this can understandably feel like a bit of an overwhelming challenge. However, don't panic. With this helpful list of tips, you'll hopefully feel a little less intimidated, and ready to get preparing! Top Tip...

Teacher To Teacher

The beginning of the school day went well... the pledge of allegiance had been said, the announcements had been made, and attendance had been well documented. Even the tardiest students, excused or unexcused, had been sorted through and sent to class. The morning was off to a terrific start. Dr. Morgan's classroom is located right next to the principal's office on the main floor... the perfect location for errant students. The prime location is wasted on Dr. Morgan, however, because Dr. Morgan always has a firm handle on her students. Dr. Dee Morgan has earned a doctorate degree in education but she prefers to be called "Mrs. Morgan" rather than "Dr. Morgan." This rotund, friendly public school teacher is very modest. She has been on the job for decades and can remember when teaching was a kinder, gentler proposition. In the beginning of her career she was free to be as creative with her teaching methods as she cared to be. These days she is bo...

Math and Music: The Power of Music in the Classroom

Everyone knows how powerful music can be. It inspires, sparks emotions and brings back memories. Inside the classroom music can be as part of a powerful learning process. Though there are obvious connections with music and math, songs can be deliberately used in the classroom to shape learning. Inside a typical 'old school' class students are in an environment that can generously be called "uncomfortable". They sit in desks that have hard seats and little back support. With one window to allow natural light in, the rest of the class is often filled with artificial light that is bright and harsh accompanied by that annoying hum of electricity. The room itself is nothing more than a giant box with a door and window. It's almost as if classroom were designed as a place to train young minds to be good factory workers. John Taylor Gatto explains this very well in his book "The Underground History of American Education". Having this type of envir...

What To Consider When Buying School Uniforms For Boys

Shirts are an important piece of attire when it comes to school wear, and for boy school wear, a short sleeve shirt is an ideal choice for parents. Short sleeve shirts are smart and give off a confident look, and wearing them creates a sense of importance for any school boy. As a parent you have an obligation to put a little forethought when buying your son's school wear. Such consideration should be guided by factors that will help you get the attire that will offer maximum value. Growth Before you decide to purchase a short sleeve shirt as part of boy school wear, the growth of your son should be the first consideration you need to make. Children, especially boys, usually have different paces of growth that usually take place in periodic spurts. As such, the shirt you purchase should be the one that will be valuable to your son before he outgrows it. If you have a second younger boy, a good quality shirt would be worn by him as well. Getting the right size Your ...

Employability - The Dragon at The 'India' Gate - Part 1 of 3

The term 'employability' has gained considerable currency in the recent times in India. One of the reasons has been the 'tectonic' shift in the demographic patterns in India in the last few years. India is expected to have the world's largest young population by 2025 and India will remain young till 2065. But whether the young Indians will really be employable is a harrowing question that is puzzling the academicians, sociologists, administrators, policy makers, and the business houses . Another daunting challenge is whether India will be able to generate a sufficient number of jobs to accommodate the soaring number of youths, independent of their employability. The focal point of this article, first in a series of three, is to deliver a preliminary appreciation of the term 'employability' and a few associated aspects. Several researchers and scholars have defined or elaborated the term 'employability' in different ways. Hillage & Polla...

The Growing Demand for Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialization in Special Education

A prevalent disability diagnosed in today's children, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 1 out of every 68 children have Autism Spectrum Disorder. As public school systems create classroom environments specially designed to target the growing needs of these students, there is a demand for autism specialization among special education teachers. Higher educational institutions have answered this call by providing graduate certificates that equip educators with the skills to evaluate and effectively teach the wide range of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects the brain's social and behavioral development, in addition to communication abilities. Originally referred to simply as "autism," the terminology was changed as children were found to have differing levels of severity. Symptoms of ASD are unique to each individual, and four general levels include: autistic disorder, pervasive development dis...

Common FAQs For Aspiring Cosmetologists

Not everyone can achieve the 'gorgeous' look that we all crave for. However, for those who share the passion of not only beautifying themselves, but also others, a cosmetology course is the way to go. Think about defining a successful career in the field, which is possible only if you sign up with a renowned institution. Enrolling in a full-time cosmetology course will help you broaden your horizons and give your love for beauty a direction. Why choose the field of cosmetology? Owing to your love for enhanced beauty, a high-flying career in cosmetology seems to be a career perfectly suited you. It is your skills that come into the picture and add a tint of peach in the lives of many. Taking up a professional cosmetology course will give you the feel good factor, as you will find it rewarding instead of challenging. What are the roles you would train for? Enrolling in a cosmetology or Trichology course will have you trained for esthetician, makeup artist techniques,...

Taking Regular SSAT Practice Tests to Maximize Your Chances of Success

SSAT Exams can help you child in getting enrolled in the best desirable schools. Millions of students from across the world spend hours on studying for this exam, so that they can get into the highest possible percentiles. If you really want to raise your SSAT scores, you need to plan your study and tests carefully, so that you are ready when the Exam Day arrives. Why take practice tests Believe it or not, people don't get low SSAT scores solely because they don't know the answers to the questions. Many smart students also fail on these exams, and it could happen due to any of the following reasons: They are too nervous about the tests and blank out during the test They don't manage their answers properly, so run out of time They are surprised by the format and type of questions that they get They are not prepared for new types of questions they have never seen before The best way to conquer the above problems is to give your SSAT tests dozens of times before...

9 Manuscript Writing Mistakes You Can Avoid

Not only is a research manuscript critical to a researcher's success, but it is also an essential element of scientific progress. It is imperative that you prepare a well-written, impactful manuscript that indicates how your research makes a valuable contribution to your field. However, manuscript preparation and publication can be stressful. The silver lining is today, several online manuscript proofreading and manuscript editing services offer a variety of solutions to help authors at various stages of the publication process. A professional English editing service can help you elevate the overall quality of your manuscript by eliminating basic errors as well as polishing it to ensure that it is publication-ready. However, to begin with, you must ensure that you prepare the best copy possible and avoid some common mistakes that might dissuade journal reviewers from evaluating your research for its true value. Focus on the aspects listed below to prepare a well-s...

Advance Your Teaching Career With a Reading and Literacy Specialization

Teaching careers at the elementary and secondary levels require a tremendous amount of responsibility. After a number of years devoted to the traditional classroom setting, teachers often desire a change of environment. However, a liberal arts degree in education may limit one's opportunities. The pursuit of a graduate degree in reading and literacy expands options for educators, including work in a more intimate classroom setting. Reading specialists and/or literacy coaches tend to work in a much smaller group setting, specifically teaching students who struggle with reading. At times, work will be one-on-one. Public and private schools, including elementary, middle, and high school, often retain reading specialist positions. Reading specialists work in conjunction with teachers of traditional classrooms, providing reading assessments, added resources, and supplementary instruction. Specialists also maintain close contact with parents and/or guardians, in additio...

Ways Students Sabotage Themselves on the International English Language Exam

For many students, it is hard enough simply getting the spelling for words correct on any test. It is harder still trying to pronounce words. However, when it comes to test-taking and the IELTS or even Trinity testing, student's struggles seem universal. Did you know that many students struggle with when to use "a" or "an" and when to leave a sentence without an article? For many students, this isn't the only pitfall that stands between them and receiving a better test result on the IELTS. What other areas are struggles for students taking the IELTS? Students may make the mistake of fully reading each question. However, for many test takers, this poses a danger of running out of time and not completing the test. This may ring true, even if students know the answers to the questions being asked. Failing to plan ahead can be detrimental While students may not know which essay questions they may have to answer, they can still be determined to d...

Our Education System - Flawed or Genius?

It is difficult to argue that our education system, although different and rigorous; is effective on the whole. But we must accept the fact that it isn't perfect. While we can compete and beat people from different cultures with our knowledge base, number crunching and attention to detail, we are also pulled down when it comes to team work. Yes, our education system produces a great employee, but can we produce great leaders? The answer to this question is certainly no. And without effective leaders, can we produce a great work culture? As explained in the previous article, the answer is certainly a NO. From the day we start schooling, right till we pass out, we are all taught to compete with every peer in your class. While you may get 90%, we are pushed to try and get 93% that the topper has earned. We pray a price for that extra 3% though. The price can sometimes be, not being streak smart. But the biggest price we pay is lack of team work and leadership attributes....

The Growing Demand for Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialization in Special Education

A prevalent disability diagnosed in today's children, the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that 1 out of every 68 children have Autism Spectrum Disorder. As public school systems create classroom environments specially designed to target the growing needs of these students, there is a demand for autism specialization among special education teachers. Higher educational institutions have answered this call by providing graduate certificates that equip educators with the skills to evaluate and effectively teach the wide range of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects the brain's social and behavioral development, in addition to communication abilities. Originally referred to simply as "autism," the terminology was changed as children were found to have differing levels of severity. Symptoms of ASD are unique to each individual, and four general levels include: autistic disorder, pervasive development di...

Strength in Numbers: Students Learn to Love Math

  Strength in Numbers  Dividing a class into two teams and having them play game of soccer is giving the one with the ball practice with soccer and the rest practice with running.  Often in an elementary math class the teacher gives one question for the entire class to answer. The question is usually somewhere in the middle of the students' abilities, too hard for some and too easy for others. Even though most of the hands go up, the teacher only picks one student to answer. It is difficult sometimes to have focus on more than one student.  Imagine watching a substitute teacher doing soccer with a class of grade 5 students. Mr. Blackstone divides a class into two teams and has them play a game of soccer. He is not a physical education specialist and this is the best way he knows to teach soccer. As you watch, you notice that any given time one player is practicing soccer with a ball and the rest are practicing running.One way to look at the idea of 'one at a time' i...

Interesting Methods to Help Your Child Learn

Children learn in 2 ways - when they see others do something or when they do it themselves. Therefore, one of the best ways to help your child learn is by way of getting them to do it themselves. This will imprint the activity in their memory for a longer period of time. Here are some fun ways to help your child learn. Irrespective of the subject or topic, your child needs to have the enthusiasm to learn. You will need to build it up at every point of time before you start an activity. 1. Maths - this can be divided into many categories as you like. Depending on your child's ability to grasp and understand, you need to encourage your child to take part in the activities. For example: if you are teaching fractions, one of the best ways is to make a dosa/ pizza/ sandwich (anything which your child likes) and then divide them into equal parts. You can then convert the same to a story and teach the concept. 2. Science - science is a subject that has more number of ac...

The Secrets to Intonation and Speed of Speaking

A common mistake made globally is having wrong or improper intonation just because the teacher had the same intonation.According to expert English teachers, it is better to speak in monotones as compared to having bad intonation. Learning the right intonation is more difficult for students or learners who learn a wrong intonation and speed of speaking from the very beginning of their English learning journey. Here is an article that will help you regain composure and correct all your wrong learning, if any. 5 Tips to get your intonation and speed right: 1. Practice as and when you can- Irrespective of where you are, always remember that while learning a language, practicing is good. Speak to native speakers in English without being intimidated and ask them to correct you whenever you tend to go off tune. 2. Experimentation pays- Whenever you can, experiment with the words and phrases you are accustomed to. Learn that experimenting with your vocabulary is a good thing and th...

The Trends of New Public Management in Developing Countries

The NPM has the following central doctrines: - A focus on management, not policy, and on performance appraisal and efficiency. - The disaggression of public bureaucracies into agencies which deal with each other on a user pay basis. - The use of quasi-markets and contracting out to foster competition; - Cost-cutting; and - A style of management which emphasizes amongst other things, output targets, limited terms contracts, monetary incentives and freedom to manage. There is no doubt that many developing countries are experimenting with new public management reforms. The experiments in Malaysia with total quality management and the result oriented management initiative in Uganda are the key examples of NPM application. The wholesale restricting of Chilean education along internal market lines, a far more radical change than anything tried in the UK. Two of the most commonly adopted elements of the NPM agenda are privatization and downsizing. These are the most important par...