Interesting Methods to Help Your Child Learn

Children learn in 2 ways - when they see others do something or when they do it themselves. Therefore, one of the best ways to help your child learn is by way of getting them to do it themselves. This will imprint the activity in their memory for a longer period of time. Here are some fun ways to help your child learn. Irrespective of the subject or topic, your child needs to have the enthusiasm to learn. You will need to build it up at every point of time before you start an activity.
1. Maths - this can be divided into many categories as you like. Depending on your child's ability to grasp and understand, you need to encourage your child to take part in the activities. For example: if you are teaching fractions, one of the best ways is to make a dosa/ pizza/ sandwich (anything which your child likes) and then divide them into equal parts. You can then convert the same to a story and teach the concept.
2. Science - science is a subject that has more number of activities than any other subject that we can come across in school. It would be very easy to teach them the concepts through activities. For example: if you are teaching the concept of germination, just soak some cereals and plant them in a glass jar laid with cotton and the soaked seed. You will need to so the same over a period of time, so that the child knows what to expect next. This however does require some prep work from your side, before starting the concepts to the child, because patience is not a virtue every child has.
3. History - history is a subject that is not easy to teach and is mostly theoretical in nature, but with little stories, you can help your child learn more and also get inquisitive about the subject. For starters, you can tell them Tenali Rama's stories and then move over to talking about King Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire. This will help the children learn by way of relating information. Once you kick-start with folk stories, you can move over to more information of historical importance.
4. Languages - these are subjects that are better learnt only when practised. Encourage your child to speak more often in the language while talking about school or favourite pastime. This way, their vocab of the language will also improve, followed by the verbal communication.
Learning is an ongoing process and as such parents need to stick themselves to the child till they are able to learn on their own and start imagining, thereby retaining the concepts learnt in the classroom. Teachers can also use these methods to help students understand better.

By Pady N


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