Teacher To Teacher

The beginning of the school day went well... the pledge of allegiance had been said, the announcements had been made, and attendance had been well documented. Even the tardiest students, excused or unexcused, had been sorted through and sent to class. The morning was off to a terrific start.
Dr. Morgan's classroom is located right next to the principal's office on the main floor... the perfect location for errant students. The prime location is wasted on Dr. Morgan, however, because Dr. Morgan always has a firm handle on her students.
Dr. Dee Morgan has earned a doctorate degree in education but she prefers to be called "Mrs. Morgan" rather than "Dr. Morgan." This rotund, friendly public school teacher is very modest. She has been on the job for decades and can remember when teaching was a kinder, gentler proposition.
In the beginning of her career she was free to be as creative with her teaching methods as she cared to be. These days she is bound by curriculum and pretty much told what to teach and how to teach it. No wonder the schools are in turmoil! Much of the life and spirit of education seem to be missing these days.
She is also concerned with the violence being perpetrated on the public schools. So many teachers, administrators, and innocent children have been slaughtered in maniacal attacks by madmen with assault rifles.
Young Ms. Munyer's classroom is straight across the hall from Dr. Morgan's... they can easily see into each other's room. Theirs are the first classes you approach after passing the principal's office, which is located adjacent to the main entrance of the school building.
Ms. Anita Munyer is a "Newbie" of a teacher. She began her teaching career just this year, in fact. Still fresh out of college, she is the epitome of enthusiasm, and her enthusiasm is infectious. It is a good thing her class is close to the principal's office, though, because she has not quite mastered the skills of an effective disciplinarian.
It has been a good day, as far as school days go, and both teachers are satisfied with the day's accomplishments. Dr. Morgan is daydreaming about retirement for the first time in her long career and Ms. Munyer is, coincidentally, thinking about opening an individual retirement account for added savings.
It is during the last period of the school day when both Dr. Morgan and Ms. Munyer, each in their own classroom, simultaneously and abruptly stop what they are doing and look directly at each other across the hallway. It would be hard to explain what each felt in that moment when their eyes met, but the look on their face left no doubt.

By Lewis Ferguson


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