Why 'Not Getting Enough Sleep' Can Lower IELTS Results Drastically

Did you know that your brain keeps working, even while you are asleep? Although the brain has been a subject matter of study since 1953, only in the year 2000 did scientists discover that people performed better on mental tasks if they received six hours of sleep or more every night. This can probably be a good indicator for students to stop cramming for a Cambridge English, IELTS exam or Trinity exam and simply get a good night's sleep before the test. Scientists have discovered that it isn't just the slow-wave REM sleep that individuals need. They need all cycles of sleep to increase their learning power and get a better band score on the IELTS.
This is why there really may be some truth in the saying; a good night's rest does the body good. Did you know that six hours or more allows the brain to reset itself? In other words, sleep makes the brain more resilient and able to focus better on tough tasks. It renders the brain with better coping skills and increases the probability of performing better on a Trinity test or Cambridge English exam.
Less sleep makes you hungrier
Did you know that getting less sleep can trigger your body's signals that you are hungry? This is why people who do not get enough sleep may also be more at risk for serious health problems such as stroke, heart attack, diabetes, higher blood pressure and may be overweight as a result. Did you know you may also be sabotaging your own test results? Without proper sleep, you may experience more hunger and feeling hungry while testing can distract you from being able to concentrate and think clearly.
Some of the test questions on the IELTS require sharp, critical thinking skills. However, if you are hungry, you may be distracted from the task at hand. This is why getting less sleep may hurt instead of help on test day. Sleep can also help the brain consolidate memories, much like a computer database. By getting at least six hours of sleep, the brain is able to recognise cognitive patterns, similar to the patterns that may be used in written portions or listening portions of the IELTS exam. All the more reason for you to embrace and enjoy a good night's sleep.
Sleep can boost your ability to cope emotionally
This is good news if you get nervous before taking any test. Getting full six hours of sleep allows the brain to shrug off those emotional feelings. It also means you do not have to stress as much if you tend to be a test "worrier." By recharging the batteries and getting six hours of sleep, a student has more endorphins in the brain, producing more of a happy feeling or calming effect. This is why your mum's advice that you will feel better in the morning really does hold some truth.
Sleep is the invisible ingredient that helps students put forth their best attempt, no matter which English language test is being taken. Have you thought about taking the IELTS before? If you are looking for a Cambridge English, IELTS or Trinity exams test centre - London Crest Open Centre is London's leading Exam centre.

By Pooja Barral


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