How Does One Become a Handbag Designer?

Your love for designer bags might give you an idea about designing your own bags. Do you really think you can be a designer? For many of us, we love designer bags but really do not know what a designer has done to develop the skills and knowledge to become a designer.
First of all, let's take handbag design as a side profession. Professional designers of handbags devote their entire career making designs. You could actually design handbags in your spare time and possibly make some money! Here is how to go about it.
1. Take a handbag design class or buy a book to get started. Network with friends or associates who know something about the business. Research the topic. There is a lot of information on the internet.
Join a group of fellow "want to be" handbag designers. Sharing information with others is an important step in networking.
2. Sharpen your sewing skills
You need to first know the basic skills of a designer. After all, without the basic skills you will be lost from the start. Buy a sewing machine and then learn how to use it. You can buy a second-hand sewing machine and it should not really set you back too much money. You could even borrow one if any of your friends has one. Sewing machines are quite durable so you can learn how to use, care for and maintain the machine. You can treat it as a long-term investment.
Learn skills like winding a bobbin and threading your sewing machine. You should try out hand sewing so that you can make buttonholes. Check with other friends who can tell you about accessories, such as measuring tapes, scissors, thimbles and needles which you will need in making a bag.
3. Make your first bag from patterns
Working with a pattern will help you to see the bag in pieces with various combinations of shapes, colors, and materials.
Borrow a designer bag and try making your own bag by following the designer bag pattern. You could try making a tote bag or even a denim purse. You should see how the pieces carefully fit together to form the shape of the bag. Get some basic fabrics and play around with them till you understand how the shapes go together.
4. Let's think about new shapes, materials, and colors.
Think about how a handbag can be more functional for the particular items you want to carry. Try making less conventional bags and use more of your creativity. You could even use recycled and reclaimed materials to make the bags. Your bags will carry their own uniqueness.
5. Learn advanced sewing techniques
If you have mastered your hold on basic sewing techniques, now is the time to do more. You should learn how to add zippers, snaps and Velcro as well as other closures. You should also learn how to line your bag and create box bottom bags. Work with others who have the experience and knowledge to share advanced sewing techniques. There are networks of people who can be very helpful in giving you useful information.
6. What's in a shape?
Look at briefcases, suitcases and all other types of bags and study their shape. This is where your creativity will come in and help you think of new designs. Think about why the bags are made, who are the customers for these bags and what do they need. Understand what people carry in their designer bags and what would be more convenient (or inconvenient). Explore new fashions and designs. Can you develop a design that no one has thought of yet? That is the designer's goal.

By Jewell Eleanor


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