Medical Assistant Schools: How to Choose the Best?

If you search for "medical assistant schools" you discover hundreds of pages. The number of various reviews available out there is scary!
Unfortunately problem is that different programs provide different material on their sites therefore it really is hard to evaluate and compare the options.
I have a tip for you on how to handle this issue effectively!
My main advice: Medical assistant schools should work for your money.
First of all, you should never waste time trying to research all possible details about available programs on your own. Simply dedicate 1-2 minutes to submit your contact info through the web forms on the sites of the schools you like the most to request information. You should post your REAL cell phone number and an email! Normally, the next business day a sales agent of a school will get in touch with you.
When you receive a call be prepared that it will most likely last 20 to 40 minutes. Plan ahead! It is better to free up couple days of your week and be available for such calls. In that case you will be able to collect information on 5-7 schools in a short period of time.
Second most important thing is to prepare a list of question!
9 questions you should ask during your interview with a school:
1. Is it a degree or a certificate program?
2. How long does it take?
3. Do you have multiple start dates for this program?
4. What is the total cost of the program?
5. If this is an online program, does it require onsite credits?
6. Will I be eligible for a Medical Assistant certification after completing your program? What kind of certification exam I will be able to take?
7. How do you help your students to prepare for a Medical Assistant certification exam?
8. What is the percent of the students graduating on time?
9. What kind of career services will be available for me during the program, when I graduate and a year after graduation?
Third, keep in mind that when you are selecting a medical assistant school you are the customer. You are entitled to receive all the answers to your questions!
Here are couple more tips for your interview.
Whenever a representative from a medical assistant schools calls you, use this greeting: "Thanks for calling! I am checking out a number of schools and created about a dozen of questions I want get answered. Do you mind if we first of all discuss my questions?". This will help you to avoid a generic marketing pitch and learn what is important for you!
Remember to write down all the answers to compare them later!
If your academic performance is not outstanding, avoid sharing your GPA during the first interview. If they ask, reply with this statement: "At this point I am just gathering some preliminary information about the schools and programs. Do you mind if we talk about my academic profile next time?".

By Anastasia Visotsky


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